Wandersong Wiki

Whit is a resident of Delphi, who owns the Crazy Raven.


Whit is bald, has blue eyes, and wears round glasses. He appears to be in his work uniform, as Alice wears the same outfit. He wears a pink striped shirt, with a blue vest over the top. He also wears pale blue shorts, and pink shoes.


Whit an optimistic person, as seen with his attitude towards making the Crazy Raven popular again. He is earnest in his marketing attempts.

He enjoys comedy, writing his own routines, however being quite repetitive, with his signature joke; "What did the ox say to her kid when he moved out? Bison." He retells this joke to the Bard on several occasions.

Whit is delighted after the concert, with the Crazy Raven receiving far more attention, thanks to the Bard. He is grateful, though still repeats the same joke.


  • The name Whit may be a play on words, referring to the word "wit" - meaning quick to come up with jokes.