Wandersong Wiki

We Are the Coffee Pirates is the third song The Bard sings in the game. However, they do not actually sing words, only the notes; all the vocals come from the Coffee Pirates: Lucas, Penny, Nina, Lou, and Francisco.

The song is sung at the beginning of Act Three.


Lucas: Oh...

Lou: Ohhhh...

Penny: Ohhh!

Nina: Ohhhhh!!!

Miriam: (Ohhh no......)

Lucas: We're the Coffee Pirates, and we sail the seas.

Lou: Searchin for delicious coffee beans.

Penny: We may act tough, but we ain't no fiends!

Nina: Unless you try to take our sweet caffeine!!

Lucas: Call me Lucas, I'm the captain of this crew.

Nina: I'm Nina and I'm tougher than you!!

Lou: Name's Lou, I'm just here to cook the food...


Francisco: I'm Francisco, and this song is dumb...


  • This song does not appear in the game's soundtrack. However, the name of it can be found in the game files.