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The Prologue is the opening scene of Wandersong.


Scene 1: The Dream[]

The Bard dreams that they find a sword, which is very hard for them to carry. Shortly, a strange monster appears to them, which they try to fight. The sword is almost immediately knocked out of the Bard's hands, and they sing to the monster. It disappears, leaving behind a floating Rainbow Girl, introducing herself as the Messenger of Eya. She tells the Bard that this was a test to see if they're a hero, which they're not. She then tells the Bard that the world is ending and apologizes.


  • The Prologue was the first thing Greg had made for the game. However, the first draft was very different: A star landed by the Bard's house, and they would walk to it up a hill, (similar to Earthbound), and then Eyala would tell the Bard of the world ending. It was changed after Act 1 was finished.