This page lists various Exploits, Glitches, and Crashes that exist in Wandersong and are [likely] unintended.
Exploits (Useful)[]
- If one clears save data from the menu during the the Scene 36 fight, The Bard will appear in the Prologue past the sword.
- Jumping while being pushed through something above The Bard's head can cause them to phase through it. This is especially doable in the Mermaid Ruins in Act 3, in the room before collecting the tear.
- Loading into certain areas while holding a movement button can cause the Bard to ascend through the layer they are standing in front of. Observed in Chismest leaving the outskirts and on Tatango approaching Calliope's house.
- When using the "Bounce" Spell in Mohabumi, if timed just right, jumping while coming off the crystal can lead to a VERY high jump.
- In the Sun's King's castle, it is possible to still have the Moon Fairy holding a key after The Bard has been attacked by a Chaser. It is not known exactly how to replicate this.
- It is also possible to open two locks with a single key in the Sun Castle.
- When carrying Miriam down from Sky Temple, it is possible to fall down to the bottom and skip several layers.
- It is possible to skip one of the bug groups in Act 6 when the Bard must gather 4 groups of bugs.
Glitches (Not Useful)[]
- After shutting down the factory, if The Bard starts singing in mid-air next to Miriam, she will walk until she is next to where you started singing, and will be floating in mid-air.
- If you save the game after obtaining the sword in Prologue, when you reload the game, The Bard will be without the sword and can walk right up to the rainbow girl.
Issues/Crashes/Softlocks (Bad)[]
- Some control settings do not save properly on the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
- When ringing the Dream Bell, if the Bard is not standing on the platform directly below it once the ringing sequence finishes, the game will crash trying to start the Dream King cutscene.
- When fighting the monster in Chaandesh with the Spell Squad, if the monster is defeated just as it throws ghosts at the witches, the game may crash.
- Quitting the game at very specific points can cause important dialogue not to be repeated, making progress not possible. Reloading the area can fix this.
- It is possible for the Rulle map screen to have issues and freeze when entering an area from it. Restarting the game can fix this.