Wandersong Wiki

Captain Lucas is the captain of the Lady Arabica and leader of the Coffee Pirates.


Captain Lucas has medium-length hair which flows back, as well as a large beard. He has thick eyebrows and a very large, pink nose. He wears a yellow hat with a skull on it, a yellow coat with three rows of two buttons, a dark belt with a gold buckle, yellow or orange shorts, and dark boots.


Captain Lucas almost always has a smile on his face.


  • Greg made Lucas' footsteps sounds with his own mouth. He quite liked it, and kept it in the game. [1]
  • Lucas is supposedly the final result of the mix of toxic masculinity and its connection with quests and heroes. What separates him from Markus, is his willingness to back off from rejection. [2]


  1. Developer Commentary: "I started making the footsteps sounds with my mouth while animating the captain's walk. And then I knew. It was just too good. It HAD to be the sound. I'm so grateful to have worked on a game where I was allowed to do this. Actually, I feel that way about a lot of this game."
  2. Developer Commentary: "Speaking of toxic masculinity and its relationship to quests and heroes... Captain Lucas is the total epitome of that entanglement, isn't he? He saw a beautiful woman like, once... And now he's on a quest for her love, like it's a prize to win, and he HAS to have her... Gross, right??? But when she turns him down, at least he has the grace to back off. In the long run, he cares about her desires as much as his own. That makes him more redeemable than Markus."