Alice is a resident of Delphi who works at the Crazy Raven.
Alice is the same height as the bard, and has very dark brown hair that matches her eyes. She appears to be wearing her work uniform, as Whit wears the same outfit. She wears a pink striped shirt, with a blue vest over the top. She also wears pale blue shorts, yellow socks, and blue shoes.
Alice is extremely hardworking, taking on many roles at work; advertising, public relations, customer relations, scheduling, bartending, sound, lighting, cleaning, and waitressing. However, she dislikes being told she works too much, possibly relating to how she feels it is all necessary to keep the Crazy Raven running.
She is appreciative and grateful to the Bard for sparking up the Crazy Raven with their band performance, as it brought a lot of business, saving her job. Alice was inspired by the Bard's feat, to work ten times harder.
While she is dedicated to her job, she constantly calls her Boss an idiot. This may be due to how much he let the Crazy Raven lose interest in the town.
- According to Nate, Alice wants to be a dancer.